Poetry was a secret love of mine for a very long time. I felt embarrassed to feel. When I actually started writing poetry of my own, I was even more secretive. It wasn't until my best friend in college encouraged me to submit to my college literary magazine that I began sharing any of my work. His support allowed me to gain enough confidence to write every day and submit everywhere I could, but I wouldn't get the courage to fully commit to writing until 2014.
I self-published my first book, Looking Inward, in 2015, and I have self-published a book every year since. I'm currently working on a book of haunting/dark poetry; it will be my first book to include more than just haiku/senryu.
Get in touch with me if you’ve got any comments, questions, or just want to say hello. Also, don't forget to subscribe below--I often offer my books for free or on sale!


"Mallory is a poet on the top of her game, I've enjoyed her past works and this one feels like a culmination of sorts, encompassing life, the universe, everything. It's a breezy read, but one you'll be revisiting again and again, as the images will not soon leave you."
- Glenn Loury